Chapter in edited book - 2024
Author: Manuela Caiani, Enrico Padoan
The chapter discusses popular music and cultural practices as vectors for the articulation of national populism in the contemporary Italian context. After examining the Multiple Opportunity Structures (MOS) within which the nexus between music and politics is located in the country, it explores the ways in which popular music functions as a medium for the… moreChapter in edited book - 2022
Author: Sophia Wathne
Adding to the growing literature on social movements as knowledge and theory creators, this chapter wants more social movement research to focus on the content of the political theories created by social movements, as an outcome of their morality. This chapter argues that prefigurative social movements create political theory through the interplay of their internal… moreChapter in edited book - 2019
Author: Elias Steinhilper and Ilker Ataç
Political protest by ‘refugees’ has proliferated worldwide, yet has only received marginal attention in social movement studies. According to dominant movement theories, migrants are unlikely subjects of mobilization due to legal obstacles (including ‘deportability’), limited economic and social capital and closed political and discursive opportunities. Building upon recent innovations in contentious politics, which stress the… moreChapter in edited book - 2018
Author: Alice Mattoni
The chapter tackles two main aspects related to the interaction between social movements and digital technologies. First, it reflects on the need to include and combine different theoretical approaches in social movement studies so as to construct more meaningful understanding of how social movement actors deals with digital technologies and with what outcomes in societies.… moreChapter in edited book - 2018
Author: Alice Mattoni
After the Occupy Wall Street mobilizations in the USA and other countries across the world, many scholars emphasized the importance of protest camps and social media platforms for these protests. However, what has not been systematically explored is how the two are intertwined. Exploring the interconnections between camps and platforms, this chapter shows how a… moreChapter in edited book - 2016
Author: Leonidas Oikonomakis and Jerome Roos
How do instances of popular protest spread across borders? This question, which has eluded social scientists for decades, appears to have become more salient than ever in the wake of the seemingly unprecedented transnational cycle of struggles that began in 2010-'11. In this chapter, we look at the diffusion of anti-austerity protest between Spain, Greece… moreChapter in edited book - 2016
Author: Emiliano Treré
The chapter scrutinizes the lessons, the current debates and the future challenges of digital resistance from a critical standpoint, emphasizing both continuities and discontinuities from the Zapatista uprising to the NSA scandalChapter in edited book - 2016
Author: Chiara Milan and Stefania Milan
Conducting research in the field of communication for social change typically entails working closely with communities and grassroots groups. Whereas substantial scholarly attention has been given to the various methodologies and to the researcher’s self-reflexive practices, little has been said on the involvement in the research process of communities as skilled learners. This chapter offers… more28/03/2025
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021