Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen. Analysen zu Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft
German peer-review journal founded in 1988. Published four times a year.
Interface. A Journal for and about Social Movements
International peer-reviewed, open-access and multilingual online journal founded in 2009. Published twice a year.
Mobilization. An International Journal
International peer-reviewed journal founded in 1996. Published four times a year.
Italian online and open-access peer-reviewed journal founded in 2009. Published three times a year.
Research in Social Movements Conflict and Change
International peer-reviewed journal founded in 1977. Published twice a year.
International peer-reviewed journal founded in 2002. Published four times a year.
Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics
Published by Cambridge University Press.
General Editors: Mark Beissinger, Jack A. Goldstone, Michael Hanagan, Doug McAdam, Suzanne Staggenborg, Sidney Tarrow, Elisabeth J. Wood, Deborah Yashar.
Mobilization Series on Social Movements, Protest and Culture
Published by Ashgate.
Series Editor: Hank Johnston
Oxford Studies in Culture & Politics
Published by Oxford University Press.
Series Editors: Bob Clifford and James Jaspers
Published by Berghahn Books.
Series Editors: Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke, Joachim Scharloth
Social Movements, Protest, and Contention
Published by University of Minnesota Press.
Series Editors: Bert Klandermans and David S. Meyer
Protest and Social Movements Published by Amsterdam University Press
Series Editors: Jan Willem Duyvendak and James M. Jasper
CADIS – Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques
École des Haute Édutes en Science Sociales
Director: Philippe Bataille
Founded in 1981 by Alaine Touraine, since the very beginning CADIS focused on the sociology of action and social movements. Today, the study of mobilizations intertwine with three main axis of research: social actors and historical changes, the emergence of new subjectivies in post-industrial societies, and the crisis of urban environments.
Center for the Study of Democracy
University of California Irvine
Convenors: David Meyer and David Snow
The centre develops research aiming at understanding democratic development and democratic processes, focusing amongst other topics on social movements and collective action in the United States and across the globe.
Centre for the Study of Global Media and Democracy
Goldsmith College
Directors: Nick Couldry and Kate Nash
Co-Directors: Natalie Fenton and James Martin
Established in 2007, the centre develop research at the interconnection of media, communication, politics and sociology, considering amongst other topics global social movements, advocacy organisations and new media.
Centre for the Study of Social and Political Movements
University of Kent
Director: Chris Rootes
Etablished in 1992, the centre focuses on contemporary forms of social and political movements and collective action, with some emphasis upon environmental movements.
Center for the Study of Social Movements
University of Notre Dame
Director: Rori McVeigh
Established in 2006, the center supports an interdisciplinary approach to the study of collective political challenges expressed via protest, collective violence, and other extra-institutional collective action.
University of Coimbra
Director: Boaventura de Sousa Santos
Established in 1978 the Center for Social Studies is a scientific institution devoted to research and advanced training in the area of the social sciences and humanities.
Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit
London School of Economics
Director: Mary Kaldor
The research unit focuses on how ordinary people shape or try to shape the decisions that affect their lives with a particular focus on human security and civil society, including social movements and civic associations.
CRAPUL – Centre de Recherche sur l’Action Politique
University of Lausanne
Established in 2002, the centre aims at promoting collective research on political action from the point of view of comparative political sociology.
Department of Sociology, University of California Santa Barbara
Chair: Verta Taylor
The department supports multi-level and multi-method approaches to social inquiry. For 30 years, the department has been at the forefront of research and graduate training in social movements, revolutions and social change.
Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh
Chair: Suzanne Staggenborg
The department fosters collaborative research between faculty and students and allows for specializations in sociological research, with a focus on social movements and politics and culture.
Forum for Civil Society and Social Movement Research
University of Gothenburg
Launched in 2011 to enhance the communication and collaboration of social movement scholars in the Nordic Countries, the Forum for Civil Society and Social Movement Research has its base at the Department of Sociology, with close ties to national and international research networks studying social movements.
Institute for Protest and Social Movement Studies
The institute is primarily a place for research. Its aim is to deliver and spread theoretically guided, empirically grounded and both scientifically and politically relevant knowledge in the field of protest and social movements. Along with its research activities, the institute also intends to become a center for research cooperation with other institutions at home and abroad.
Movement Media Research Action Project
MMRAP was founded in 1986 by the co-directors William Gamson and Charlotte Ryan to support marginalized constituencies’ understanding of and access to media. Based in Boston, MA, its mission is to strengthen progressive social movements working toward social justice and inclusive participatory democracy.
Observatori del Conflicte Social
University of Barcelona
Academic coordinators: Salvador Aguilar, María T. Bretones y Jaime Pastor
The Social Conflict Observatory is linked to the research group Research on Social Conflict and Change. It aims at developing knowledge about the logics of social conflict and change. The dominant analytical approach is relational: relationships between individual are the basic social units of social inquiry; and it relies as well on a critically oriented positive sociology.
CUNY Graduate Center, New York City
Coordinators: James M. Jasper and John KrinskyFounded in 2008, this weekly meeting draws students and faculty to discuss research and theory in progress on any topics having to do with protest and politics. It is open to all visitors.
ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Founded in 1980, the section fosters the study of emergent and extra-institutional social forms and behavior, particularly crowds and social movements. With about 800 members, it is one of the largest in the American Sociological Association.
ASA Section on Labor and Labor Movements
The Labor and Labor Movements Section strives to be a forum for existing work, to create networks and graduate mentoring opportunities that will stimulate interaction and increase the rigor and creativity of future work, to bring researchers, applied sociologists, and rank-and-file members of the labor movement together for discussion and debate.
CES Social Movement Research Network
Established in 2011, the CES Social Movements Research Network brings together scholars interested in social movements, popular protest and contentious politics in Europe, as well as in the ways in which social movements interact with spheres such as the media, culture and memory, democratic institutions, policing, and the longer-term outcomes of social movements both positive and negative.
ECPR Standing Group on Participation and Mobilization
Established in 2004, the ECPR Standing Group on Participation and Mobilization provides a forum for different schools of participation research to meet, compare approaches, and develop new research strategies.
ECPR Standing Group on Political Violence
The Standing Group aims to provide a collaborative network and infrastructure for international junior and senior scholars working on aspects of political violence, including guerrilla warfare, insurgency, terrorism, rebellion and civil war.
ESA RN25- Social Movement Research Network
The ESA Social Movement Research Network provides organize panels sessions in general and mid-term conferences on social movements from a sociological perspective.
Founded in 2011, the blog Mobilizing Ideas is linked to the Center for the Study of Social Movements at the University of Notre Dame. It publishes invited original essays on social movements, social change, and the public sphere by leading scholars and engaged activists.
Founded in 2001, it is an open access electronic magazine that publishes high quality analysis on relevant political and social issues, including social movements and collective actions.
The website of the ResponsiveGov reserarch project, which aims at investigating to what extent governement respond to collective and publicly expressed opinion – also in the form of protests – between elections.
A website with an extensive collection of annotated links to web resources about the life and work of Charles Tilly, a leading scholar in social movement studies.
Social Movements, Political Violence and the State.
LSE Public Lecture of Donatella della Porta
Event organiser: Department of Government Comparative Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Can Social Movements Replace Parties?
Danilo de Biasio interview to Donatella della Porta for Radio Popolare.
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021