Edited Volume - 2012
Authors: Hanspeter Kriesi; Edgar Grande; Martin Dolezal; Marc Helbling; Dominic Höglinger; Swen Hutter; Bruno Wüest
What are the consequences of globalization for the structure of political conflicts in Western Europe? How are political conflicts organized and articulated in the twenty-first century? And how does the transformation of territorial boundaries affect the scope and content of political conflicts? This book sets out to answer these questions by analyzing the results of… moreChapter in edited book - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta and Alberto Vannucci
This entry reviews social science literature on political corruption, privileging an institutionalist approach. In doing so, it looks at resources and mechanisms of hidden exchange as well as at its governance.Journal Article - 2012
Authors: Joan Font; Donatella della Porta; Yves Sintomer
Participation is a well-established subject in the social sciences. Individual participation, non-governmental organizations, interest groups, and social movements have all been important fields of research for years, at least among sociologists and political scientists. Each of these areas has also developed its own methodological traditions and debates, permitting new researchers entering the field to have… moreWorking Paper - 2012
Author: Daniel P. Ritter
Among the Eastern European democratization processes of the 1989 period, Hungary stands out as the least dramatic transition in the region. Whereas other countries experienced massive demonstrations in favor of democratic demands, or violent upheavals resulting in the execution of dictators, Hungary experienced neither and has been referred to as an 'uncomplicated' case. While some… moreChapter in edited book - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta
Journal Article - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta
Der Aufstand der Zivilgesellschaft begann mit dem Arabischen Frühling. Dies könnte man als weiteren Beleg dafür nehmen, dass die Demokratie eben doch die »einzige Möglichkeit« ist. Den Arabischen Frühling aber als bloße Forderung nach repräsentativen Institutionen zu interpretieren, wäre irreführend. Vielmehr geht es den aktuellen Bewegungen ganz konkret um eine partizipative und deliberative Form von… moreWorking Paper - 2012
Author: Federico Matías Rossi
The transition to democracy in Bulgaria is commonly defined as a coup d'état carried out by the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) elites against the long-standing dictator Todor Zhivkov. The Bulgarian transition to democracy was a direct by-product of the economic and political collapse of the USSR. No contentious events had any important impact on the… moreMonograph - 2012
Authors: Donatella della Porta; Alberto Vannucci
The Hidden Order of Corruption investigates the hidden order of corruption, looking at the invisible codes and mechanisms that govern and stabilize the links between corrupters and corruptees. When corruption is exposed, unknown aspects are revealed which allow us to better understand its structures and informal norms. This book is theoretically informed and based on… moreChapter in edited book - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta and Bernard Gbikpii
Most social science concepts are contested—but some more so. This is the case for riot, that (as terrorism or Nimby), derives from everyday language, and is used in a stigmatizing way to single out irrational and deviant behavior. While people freely admit that they demonstrate, even in unconventional and sometime “disobedient”, forms, they usually deny… moreWorking Paper - 2012
Author: Federico Matías Rossi
The Baltic countries' struggle was for independence more than any other thing. The achievement of democracy was a by-product of the secessionist project of increasing autonomy from Moscow. A possible explanation for this could be that representative democracy became an implicit and obvious ideal regime for the elites and local populations. As for the successes… more05/12/2024
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021