Monograph - 2017
Author: Donatella Della Porta, Francis O'Connor, Martin Portos and Anna Subirats Ribas
Over recent years, social movements formed in response to European neoliberal austerity measures have played an increasingly important role in referendums. This is the first book to bridge the gap between social movement studies and research on direct democracy. It draws on social movement theory to understand the nature of popular mobilisation in referendums. Co-authored… moreMonograph - 2017
Author: Donatella della Porta
Book description Where Did the Revolution Go? considers the apparent disappearance of the large social movements that have contributed to democratization. Revived by recent events of the Arab Spring, this question is once again paramount. Is the disappearance real, given the focus of mass media and scholarship on electoral processes and 'normal politics'? Does it… moreMonograph - 2016
Author: Andrea Felicetti
Deliberative democracy is increasingly central in democratic theory and its concepts are employed in a growing number of fields, including social movement studies and environmental politics. At the same time, contemporary citizen activism seems to feature some forms of engagement that resonate with deliberative democratic ideas.This book provides an in-depth investigation of the qualities of… moreMonograph - 2016
Author: Lorenzo Bosi
Quali sono i percorsi che portano alcune donne e uomini ad abbracciare la lotta armata? Qual è la loro esperienza e cosa sostiene il loro impegno all'interno dei gruppi armati, anche a fronte di lunghi periodi di prigionia? Come escono dalla lotta armata e quali conseguenze sulla loro storia di vita attribuiscono a quella scelta?… moreMonograph - 2015
Author: Donatella della Porta
Recent years have seen an enormous increase in protests across the world in which citizens have challenged what they see as a deterioration of democratic institutions and the very civil, political and social rights that form the basis of democratic life. Beginning with Iceland in 2008, and then forcefully in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece and… moreMonograph - 2013
Author: Donatella della Porta
Financial crisis, economic globalization and the strengthening of neoliberal policies present stark challenges to traditional conceptions of representative democracy. Yet, at the same time, new opportunities are emerging that propose alternative visions for the future of democracy. In this highly articulate book, Donatella della Porta analyses diverse conceptions and practices of participatory and deliberative democracy,… moreMonograph - 2013
Authors: Donatella della Porta; Michael Keating
Este es un nuevo y revolucionario manual que ofrece a profesores y estudiantes de ciclos superiores los principales enfoques y metodologías de investigación en el campo de las ciencias sociales. Escrito por un destacado conjunto de investigadores y avalado por su éxito como instrumento de estudio, permite a los estudiantes elegir su propio enfoque de… moreMonograph - 2012
Author: Alice Mattoni
How do precarious workers employed in call-centres, universities, the fashion industry and many other labour markets organise, struggle and communicate to become recognised, influential political subjects? "Media Practices and Protest Politics: How Precarious Workers Organise" reveals the process by which individuals at the margins of the labour market and excluded from the welfare state communicate… moreMonograph - 2012
Authors: Manuela Caiani; Donatella della Porta; Claudius Wagemann
Research on the extreme right is rare, and the extreme right has even more rarely been analysed as a social movement. In this volume, the extreme right is compared in Italy, Germany, and the United States using concepts and methods developed in social movement studies. In particular, the book describes the discourse, action, and organizational… moreMonograph - 2012
Authors: Donatella della Porta; Alberto Vannucci
The Hidden Order of Corruption investigates the hidden order of corruption, looking at the invisible codes and mechanisms that govern and stabilize the links between corrupters and corruptees. When corruption is exposed, unknown aspects are revealed which allow us to better understand its structures and informal norms. This book is theoretically informed and based on… more28/03/2025
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021