Journal Article - 2012
Authors: Lorenzo Bosi; Donatella della Porta
Based on biographical materials of armed militants of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and Red Brigades, this article analyses variation within the micromobilization that leads to armed groups. Three general paths are singled out: the ideological path, the instrumental path and the solidaristic path. Each of these is characterized by complex interactions between the individual… moreJournal Article - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta
Journal Article - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta, Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
Research on political violence occurs in waves, generally corresponding to the successive swells of violence that in many ways define modern society. Critically, this violence is characterized as much by diversity as by uniformity. As each new spate in research on political violence has shown us, rarely can we generalize about either the aims or… moreJournal Article - 2012
Authors: Joan Font; Donatella della Porta; Yves Sintomer
Participation is a well-established subject in the social sciences. Individual participation, non-governmental organizations, interest groups, and social movements have all been important fields of research for years, at least among sociologists and political scientists. Each of these areas has also developed its own methodological traditions and debates, permitting new researchers entering the field to have… moreJournal Article - 2012
Author: Donatella della Porta
Der Aufstand der Zivilgesellschaft begann mit dem Arabischen Frühling. Dies könnte man als weiteren Beleg dafür nehmen, dass die Demokratie eben doch die »einzige Möglichkeit« ist. Den Arabischen Frühling aber als bloße Forderung nach repräsentativen Institutionen zu interpretieren, wäre irreführend. Vielmehr geht es den aktuellen Bewegungen ganz konkret um eine partizipative und deliberative Form von… more28/03/2025
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021