

The Centre on Social Movement Studies


Les town meetings, mythe fondateur de la démocratie américaine

Paula Cossart; Andrea Felicetti; James Kloppenberg

Type: Journal Article
Year: 2016

L’analyse historique a marqué la naissance et le développement des réflexions sur la démocratie participative et délibérative1. Outre le travail fondateur de Jürgen Habermas (1978) d’analyse de la transformation de la sphère publique bourgeoise, plusieurs contributions importantes à l’étude de la démocratie délibérative s’appuient en effet sur la recherche historique. Parmi les plus célèbres, on songe aux travaux de Bruce Ackerman (1991, 2000) sur la Constitution américaine ou de Bernard Manin sur le gouvernement représentatif en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis (1995). La dimension historique de phénomènes plus récents a, elle aussi, été mise en avant. Par exemple, les développements théoriques influents de Gutmann et Thompson sur la démocratie délibérative (2009) sont, dans une large mesure, fondés sur une analyse en profondeur du processus de démocratisation de l’Afrique du Sud. Enfin, l’investigation historique a également favorisé l’émergence de deux tendances caractéristiques de la recherche sur la démocratie contemporaine : l’expansion du concept de délibération, et l’adoption des théories de la délibération parun nombre croissant de champs de la science politique et de la sociologie (par exemple : Poletta, 2002). Mais la dimension historique demeure loin d’être centrale dans les études sur la démocratie participative ou délibérative, même si l’on compte des exceptions notables (notamment : Bacqué, Sintomer, 2011 ; Della Porta, 2014 ; Cossart, 2010 ; Cossart, Talpin, 2015 ; Gustafson, 2011 ; Chambers, 2000) et bien que des travaux récents sur la participation aient souligné la nécessité d’approfondir l’étude du passé (Cossart, Talpin, Keith, 2012 ; Font, Della Porta, Sintomer, 2012). Ce numéro, dans le prolongement du numéro 2012-2 de la revue dont le dossier La participation au prisme de l’histoire était coordonné par Paula Cossart, Julien Talpin et William Keith, vise notamment à montrer l’apport de l’analyse historique aux débats qui animent aujourd’hui les recherches sur la démocratie, en particulier quant à la façon dont la participation et la délibération émergent et se développent dans des contextes différents2. Le présent numéro est consacré à diverses observations des modes de participation dans les célèbres town meetings américains, nés en Nouvelle-Angleterre.

Paula Cossart, Andrea Felicetti, James Kloppenberg (2016) Les town meetings, mythe fondateur de la démocratie américaine. Participation, 2016/2(15): 6-47




Le basi istituzionali di un panico morale

Attraverso una lunga rassegna di casi concreti, Donatella Della Porta, direttrice di Cosmos, descrive il processo per cui la lotta istituzionale all'antisemitismo in Germania, inizialmente promossa dalla società civile progressista, si è trasformata nella costruzione di un apparato statale e di una struttura di potere ufficiale come strumento di razzializzazione e repressione.


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Emotions in Action: the Role of Emotions in Refugee Solidarity Activism

Chiara Milan
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‘Love is over, this is going to be Turkey!’: cathartic resonance between the June 2013 protests in Turkey and Brazil

Batuhan Eren
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Journal Article - 2023

Mutual aid and solidarity politics in times of emergency: direct social action and temporality in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lorenzo Zamponi
From the spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and the social distancing measures introduced created a series of social problems and needs that were partially addressed in Italy as well as in other countries by grassroots mutual aid initiatives. While many of these initiatives were strongly rooted in the Italian social movement and civil society landscape and the choice to engage in mutual aid activities was the result of long years of reflection and planning, the article shows how strongly the temporality of emergency affected the nature of these initiatives, their development and their outcomes, in particular with regard to the extraordinary number of people who volunteered and their relationship with politicisation processes.

Monograph - 2023

Populism and (Pop) Music

Manuela Caiani, Enrico Padoan
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Monograph - 2022

Labour conflicts in the digital age

Donatella della Porta, Riccardo Emilio Chesta, Lorenzo Cini
From Deliveroo to Amazon, digital platforms have drastically transformed the way we work. But how are these transformations being received and challenged by workers? This book provides a radical interpretation of the changing nature of worker movements in the digital age, developing an invaluable approach that combines social movement studies and industrial relations. Using case studies taken from Europe and North America, it offers a comparative perspective on the mobilizing trajectories of different platform workers and their distinct organizational forms and action repertoires.

Monograph - 2022

Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy

Donatella della Porta, Niccolò Bertuzzi, Daniela Chironi, Chiara Milan, Martín Portos & Lorenzo Zamponi
Drawing interview material, together with extensive data from the authors’ original social movement database, this book examines the development of social movements in resistance to perceived political "regression" and a growing right-wing backlash.

Journal Article - 2021

Learning from Democratic Practices: New Perspectives in Institutional Design

Andrea Felicetti
Drawing from literature on democratic practices in social movements and democratic innovations, the article illustrates three ways to advance institutional design in the wake of the systemic turn.

Monograph - 2021

Migrant Protest. Interactive Dynamics in Precarious Mobilizations

Elias Steinhilper
This book explores the interactions and spaces shaping the emergence, trajectory, and fragmentation of migrant protest in unfavorable contexts of marginalization.

Journal Article - 2021

Populism between voting and non-electoral participation

Andrea Pirro & Martín Portos
The article focuses on a neglected aspect of populist mobilisation, i.e. non-electoral participation (NEP), and elaborates on the extent to which populist party voters engage politically outside the polling station. While challenging common understandings of populism as inherently distrustful and apathetic, and protest as an exclusive practice of the left, the study critically places NEP at the heart of populism in general, and populist right politics in particular.