

The Centre on Social Movement Studies


Phillip Ayoub

Phillip Ayoub (PhD, Cornell) is  assistant professor of politics at Drexel University, and was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in political and social sciences at the European University Institute. Phillip completed his PhD in the Department of Government at Cornell University, after receiving a B.A. from the University of Washington and M.A. degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Cornell University. His research bridges insights from international relations and comparative politics, engaging literature on transnational politics, gender and politics, norm diffusion, and the study of social movements. Phillip is particularly interested in how the transnational mobilization of LGBT peoples and international channels of visibility influence social and legal change across states. His publications have appeared in Mobilization, the European Political Science Review, Perspectives on Europe, and Trans-Atlantic Perspectives. He has received various grants and fellowships, including a Fulbright Schuman Fellowship for the European Union, an Alexander von Humboldt Chancellor Fellowship, a Cornell Sage Fellowship, a Mellon Writing Fellowship, three FLAS Fellowships, and a Max Weber Postdoctoral Prize Fellowship.

Research Interests  : social movements, transnational politics, norm diffusion, minority rights.

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