I received my bachelor in Sociology from the Aegean University, Greece, MSc in Social Policy and Social Interventions from Utrecht University, the Netherlands and MSc in Social Organization and Social Change from University of Crete, Greece. I have completed the Pedagogical Training Program for Secondary Education teachers of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education in Greece. I have worked in the Department of Research and Documentation of the therapeutic community ITHAKI of the Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals, in Greece, and in the NGO ARSIS, for the reception and service of benefiters, councelling, social history reporting, monitoring unaccompanied minor immigrant-asylum seeker on regular meetings, reporting questionnaire for ARSIS’ research project on homelessness in Thessaloniki, and having the main responsibility for the organization and maintenance of the central archive of the organization. I have also worked as a freelance translator (English/Greek, Greek/English) and teacher for students of secondary education. My research in the EUI is taking place under the supervision of Donatella della Porta and is titled: “Populist Social Movements in Southern Europe: Limitations and Potentials. A comparative analysis of Portugal, Spain and Greece.”
Research interests: populism, identity formation, heterogeneity, horizontal organization, emotions and feelings of solidarity in social movements.
Research interests: populism, identity formation, heterogeneity, horizontal organization, and emotions and feelings of solidarity in social movements
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021