Luigi is a PhD candidate in Political Science and Sociology at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) and a member of the Center on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS).
His research project explores how civil society strategically renegotiates its organizing in response to varying levels of repression, with a specific focus on the role of digital platforms as genuine collective actors. By adopting a relational-processual approach, the study analyzes the hybridization of relational structures that support collective efforts, thus enabling the mapping of the diverse hybrid trajectories that are outlined within the political process, in the current historical context characterized by the pervasive use of digital media.
Before joining the Scuola Normale Superiore, Luigi earned a degree in Political Science from the University of Siena and a Master’s in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento. During his academic path, he developed interests in political sociology, collective action, social movements, and digital media, particularly adopting network-analytic theories and methodological approaches. After completing his master’s degree, he worked as a research fellow within a project promoted by the University of Trento and cultural organizations.
Research interests: collective action, social network analysis, relational-processual approach, organizing, repression, and strategy
Home page28/03/2025
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
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Monograph - 2022
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Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021