Eriselda Shkopi is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellowship at Ca’Foscari University Venice and at Arthur Labatt School of Nursing, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Her current research, funded under Horizon Europe, examines the interactions among agency and structures for advancing migrants’ fundamental rights and, to a larger extent, citizenship rights. Her current work is focused on every-day resistance strategies of migrant agricultural workers (and their allies and supporters) to have fundamental rights recognized, such as the right to secure legal status. She received her Ph.D. in political sociology at University of Padua, in 2016, with a qualitative research on political participation, belonging(s) and citizenship pathways of Albanian migrants in Italy and England.
Previously to MSC, she served as research assistant at the UNESCO Chair on the Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants – Urban Policies and Practices SSIIM- IUAV (2019 – 2022) where she conducted action research with stakeholders and NGOs on the barriers and discrimination that migrants, asylum seekers and refugees face in gaining access to housing. Eriselda’s work has also included intervention projects with/for migrant sex workers rights, care workers participation, reception projects for refugees and asylum seekers, diaspora transfer of knowledge and prevention of work exploitation in agriculture.
Research interests: political sociology, migration and citizenship studies, critical and feminist approaches to research, and social movements
Home page28/03/2025
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