

The Centre on Social Movement Studies


Massimiliano Andretta

Research Associate, European University Institute, Florence

Massimiliano Andretta is assistant professor at the University of Pisa, where he teaches Political Science, Comparative Politics, Political Communication, Political Participation and Social Movements and International Relations. He has participated in several national and international research projects. Among his publications we mention “Power and arguments in global justice movement settings” in D. della Porta and D. Rucht (eds.), Meeting Democracy. Power and Deliberation in Global Justice Movements. p. 97-122, CAMBRIDGE:Cambridge University Press; with Donatella della Porta, Lorenzo Mosca, Herbert Reiter (2006) Globalization from Below. Transnational Actvists and Protest Networks, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press; “Democrazia in azione. Modelli decisionali e ideali democratici degli attivisti globali”, in F. De Nardis (ed.), La società in movimento. I movimenti sociali nell’epoca del conflitto generalizzato, Roma, Einaudi: 111-140; with Nicole Doerr, (2007), ‘Imagining Europe: Internal and external non state actors at the European crossroads’, European Foreign Affairs Review, 12/3: 385-400. He contributed to several chapters in Donatella della Porta (ed.) (2009), Another Europe: Conceptions and Practices of Democracy in the European Social Forums, London – New York:Routledge

Research Interests: social movements, democracy, deliberation, public policies