Lorenzo Bosi is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Social Movement Studies (COSMOS) at the European University Institute. He received his Ph.D. in politics from Queen’s University, Belfast, in 2005 and is the past recipient of the ECRC (University of Kent), Jean Monnet and Marie Curie (EUI) post-doctorate fellowships. His research interests include social movements and political violence. Lorenzo Bosi has published in several journals, including Mobilization, Qualitative Sociology, Research in Social Movement, Conflict and Change, Historical Sociology, The Sixties, Social Science History, and Critique International. He is co-editing two manuscripts Dynamics of Radicalization (Ashgate) with Dr. Stefan Malthaner and Dr. Chares Demetriou; and Relational Dynamics and Processes of Radicalization (Oxford University Press) with Prof. Eitan Amili and Dr. Chares Demetriou.
Research Interests: social movements; political violence; political sociology; Northern Ireland; Italy