Konstantinos Eleftehriadis is a Research and Teaching Associate in the Sociology Department of SciencesPo-Paris. He completed his PhD degree in Social and Political Sciences at the EUI in November 2014. His dissertation ‘Gender and sexual politics in Europe: Queer festivals and their ounterpublics’ was supervised by Professors Donatella della Porta and Didier Eribon. Konstantinos’ areas of specialization include: sociology of collective identities, gender and sexuality studies, counterpublics and the public sphere. His work has been published in Social Movement Studies; ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies; L’Homme et la Société, He has also contributed in edited volumes, such as LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe (eds. Palgrave-Macmillan) and Politiche dell’orgoglio. Sessualità, soggettività e movimenti sociali (eds. ETS-Pisa). He has been faculty member of the Politics department of Maastricht University (2014). Konstantinos holds a bachelor and Master’s degree in Law (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; University Paris-8), and a Master’s degree in Sociology (EHESS-Paris)
Research interests : sociology of mobilizations, counterpublics, queer, collective identities