

The Centre on Social Movement Studies


Donatella della Porta

Donatella della Porta is professor of sociology at the European University Institute, where she directs the Center on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos). She is also directs a major ERC project Mobilizing for Democracy, on civil society participation in democratization processes in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Among her very recent publications are:

Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research (Oxford University Press, 2014) |Can Democracy be Saved? (Polity Press, 2013) |Clandestine Political Violence (Cambridge University Press, 2013) | Blackwell Encyclopedia on Social and Political Movements (with D. Snow, B. Klandermans and D. McAdam eds., Blackwell, 2013) | Mobilizing on the Extreme Right (with M. Caiani and C. Wagemann, Oxford University Press, 2012) | Meeting Democracy (ed. with D. Rucht, Cambridge University Press, 2012) |The Hidden Order of Corruption (with A. Vannucci, Ashgate 2012)

In 2011, she was the recipient of the Mattei Dogan Prize for distinguished achievements in the field of political sociology.