This conference aims at analysing the effects of the Charlie Hebdo attacks on the content and quality of public debates across Western European societies, paying special attention to dynamics of deliberation and polarization across public spheres, and to the interplay between mass media and social movements in the construction of public discourse.
The Charlie Hebdo shootings of January 2015 represent a critical juncture that changed the European public debate, at both the EU and national level. The controversies that followed the attacks had deep effects on mainstream institutional actors, social movements and subaltern publics across Europe. Furthermore, in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks contentious issues related to the role of religion in secular societies, civil rights and freedom of speech, accommodation of cultural diversity and securitization of migration are once again in the middle of public sphere debates in Europe.
The conference aims at analysing the effects of these attacks on the content and quality of public debates across Western European societies, paying special attention to dynamics of deliberation and polarization across public spheres, and to the interplay between mass media and social movements in the construction of public discourse.
This event will bring together scholars reflecting on the consequences of critical junctures from multiple perspectives. It will also offer a space to present the preliminary findings of the ongoing project led by Donatella della Porta at SNS, as part of the ERC Advanced Scholars’ Grant Mobilizing for Democracy, which will provide qualitative and quantitative insights from individual case studies in France, Germany, Italy, UK and Denmark.
Keynote speakers
ANDRÉ BÄCHTIGER (University of Stuttgart)
DONATELLA DELLA PORTA (Scuola Normale Superiore)
JAN WILLEM DUYVENDAK (University of Amsterdam)
TIMOTHY PEACE (University of Stirling)
GAVAN TITLEY (Maynooth University)
ROMAIN BADOUARD (University of Cergy-Pontoise)
GWENAËLLE BAUVOIS (University of Helsinki)
MAËLLE BAZIN (University of Paris 2)
FARIDA BELKACEM (European University Institute)
JOEL BUSHER (Coventry University)
PIETRO CASTELLI GATTINARA (Scuola Normale Superiore)
ANDREA FELICETTI (Scuola Normale Superiore)
PHILIPPE GONZALEZ (University of Lausanne)
LAURENCE KAUFMANN (University of Lousanne)
NIKO PYRHÖNEN (University of Helsinki)
LINDA LUND (London School of Economics)
AUDE SEURRAT (University of Paris 13)
THIJS VAN DOOREMALEN (University of Amsterdam)
Donatella della Porta (SNS)
Pietro Castelli Gattinara (SNS)
Andrea Felicetti (SNS)
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Journal Article - 2023
Monograph - 2023
Monograph - 2022
Monograph - 2022
Journal Article - 2021
Monograph - 2021
Journal Article - 2021